NEW! UltraBrite Cypridina-Gaussia dual luciferase assay for sequential detection of Cypridina and Gaussia luciferases (Quench and Glo format).
A. Single Luciferase Reporter Assays:
- Gaussia luciferase reagent GAR-2B ((similar to Biolux Gaussia luciferase Assay Kit from NEB))
Good signal stability - our best offering for High throughput applications requiring high signal strength
(Click here for the printable brochure)
- Gaussia luciferase reagent GAR-1
Assay reagents for standard assays. Not recommended for HTS format
(Click here for the printable brochure)
- Firefly luciferase assay reagent (FLAR-1)
Assay reagent for assaying Firefly luciferase. A homogenous one step assay
format suitable for high throughput applications (30% decay in 2 hours)
(Click here for the printable brochure)
- Cypridina (Vargula) luciferase assay reagent (VLAR-2)
Assay reagent with improved stability for Cypridina (Vargula) luciferase- based assays. Recommended for high throughput applications.
(Click here for the printable brochure)
- Renilla luciferase assay reagent RLAR-1
Assay reagent for assaying Renilla luciferase. The reagent can be used to measure either secreted or intracellular Renilla luciferase. This reagent gives a very bright and very stable bioluminescent signal approximately 30-fold brighter than human codon-optimized Renilla luciferase, great for HTS and multiplexing applicaitons
(Click here for the printable brochure)
Our Multiplexed luciferase assays are based on combinations involving two or more of the following luciferases:
- Gaussia Luciferase (Native, secreted form)- substrate coelenterazine
- Gaussia Luciferase (intracellular form) - substrate coelenterazine
- Green-emitting Renilla Luciferase (available in both secreted and intracellular forms)-substrate coelenterazine
- Cypridina Luciferase – substrate Cypridina luciferin (Vargulin)
- Red-emitting fFIrefly Luciferase form the Italian firefly Luciola Italica
Available in a native intracellular form or an engineered secreted form.
Substrate-Firefly luciferin
B. Dual Reporter Assays:
NEW! UltraBrite Cypridina-Gaussia dual luciferase assay for sequential detection of Cypridina and Gaussia luciferases (Quench and Glo format).
NOTE: All of our Dual luciferase assay reagents enables measurement of secreted luciferases in the supernatant media from transfected cells thus allowing one to monitor time-resolved promoter activities of two different
promoters from the same group of transfected cells without the need for cell lysis. All dual assay reagents can also be used to measure intracellular luciferse activity by lysing the cells.
Dual assay reagents are available in either a single solution format (wherein the two luciferase activities can be spectrally resolved based on differences in the emission maxima of the luciferases), or as two separate assay reagents wherein each assay reagent is used for measurement of a specific luciferase based on differences in substrate specificities.
- DLAR-1:
A dual luciferase assay based on Gaussia luciferase and Red-emitting firefly (Luciola ) luciferase). Can measure gaussia activity in supernatants or cell lysates. Expression vectors expressing the Red-emitting Luciola luciferase in a secreted or an intracellular (native) form are available. This assay is compatible with high throughput applications.
(Click here for the printable brochure)
- DLAR-2 :
A dual assay reagent based on a secreted (or intracellular) Green-emitting Renilla luciferase and a secreted (or intracellular) Red-emitting firefly (Luciola) lucierase. This assay is compatible with high throughput applications.
(Click here for the printable brochure)
- DLAR-2-B :
A dual luciferase assay reagent for sequential detection of Firefly luciferase and Renilla luciferase in the same sample in a stop and glow format. This assay is compatible with high throughput applications
(Click here for the printable brochure)      
(Click here MSDS for DLAR-2/DLAR-2B )
- DLAR-3 :
A dual assay reagent based on Cypridina luciferase (secreted) l and a secreted (or intracellular) Red-emitting firefly (Luciola) lucierase. This assay is compatible with high throughput applications.
A dual assay reagent based on Cypridina luciferase (secreted) l and Gaussia luciferase, This assay is compatible with high throughput applications. (Available as two separate assay reagents since the emission maxima of Gaussia luciferase (482 nk) and Cypridina luciferase (463 nm) cannot be resolved spectrally.)
(Click here for the printable brochure)
C. Triple luciferase reporter assays :
- TLAR-2 :
A single solution-based triple lucfierase reporter assay involving Gaussia luciferase multiplexed with Green-emitting Renilla luciferase and Red-emitting Firefly luciferase. This assay is compatible with high throughput applications. This assay is also optionally available in a format where the three luciferases can be assayed separately using three different assay reagents
(Click here for the printable brochure)
- TLAR-3:
A triple assay based on Gaussia luciferase, Green renilla luciferase and Red-emitting Luciola luciferase. In this assay Gaussia and Green Renilla luciferase activities can be spectrally resolved. A second aliquot of the sample will then be assayed using the VLAR'-2 reagent. Compatible with HTS applications.
(Click here for the printable brochure)
5X Cell lysis reagent : A passive cell lysis buffer compatible with assays for all of our.